Pearl In Deep
Passion to write

Mother Earth

Don’t ignore her, we are a part of her
Love her the way you love your mother
She births all the beings
She loves us
She gives rives and seas to whole the world
why we don’t care about her like the way she is doing for us
She is no one, she is our mother earth тАж

Like your mother, she carried you in her womb
She is still carrying humanity for eons
She nourishes all the beings
She cares for us
She gives trees and mountains to whole the world
why we don’t care about her like the way she is doing for us
She is no one, she is our mother earth тАж

She loves unconditionally like your mother
Don’t feel shy in calling her your mother
She protects all the beings
She gives treasures for us
She gives all the things to whole the world
why we don’t care about her like the way she is doing for us
She is no one, she is our mother earth тАж

-Ruchi Jain

Read my English poems : тАЬMe and my inner sideтАЬ, тАЬI am thinking of youтАЬ

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