The sun is going down for tomorrow…
stars and moon are glowing in a row…
all the birds are going back to nest…
all creatures are doing rest…
everyone rejuvenating themselves
but I am still awake
because I am thinking of you…
blowing wind, thunder sound…
dropping rain, doing wound…
I am feeling some agony in my heart…
but I am still silent…
because I am thinking of you…
few birds chirping at the window…
cool wind entering from below…
like someone knocking on the door…
sea waves touching the shore…
everything showing them alive…
but I am still feeling inanimate…
because I am thinking of you…
– Ruchi Jain
After “I am thinking of you”, Read my other English poems, “Me and my inner side“, “Beautiful golden heart” and
Read my other Hindi poems related to love, “मेरी प्यारी माँ“, “पूछती है वादियाँ” and story, “अन्तर्द्वन्द्व“