Pearl In Deep
Passion to write

Cloud’s Pain

Cloud’s Pain – Stop Deforestation and motivate to grow more and more plants.

A drop of water comes down…
I felt the sky was crying…
I asked the sky…
he said, my son, it might…

who is your son?
I was in wonder…
that is cloud, sky told with thunder…
oh! is it?
now I was looking at the cloud…

he was hesitated, screamed, and violent…
are you crying, my voice was high…
cloud became black but kept silent…
that was annoying…
are you crying, I again asked cloud…
this time they replied, and the voice was loud…

yes, we were…
we were in pain…
and we have nothing to gain…
we only know to give
we could anything for your life
but why?
why you left us behind?
deforestation was a pain of mine…

that was the only one, give us life…
to make our steam,
to make our rights…
you know only to take, but nothing to give…
how could I, complete everyone’s wish…
so, I have stopped laugh and started to cry…
you felt it’s raining, but I am going to die…
I am going to die…

-Ruchi Jain

After “Cloud’s Pain”, Read my other English poems, “Me and my inner side“, “Beautiful golden heart” and

Read my other Hindi poems related to pain, “छोटा सा एक पेड़ लगा दो“, “2020 शिकायतें कम शुक्रिया ज़्यादा या शुक्रिया कम शिकायतें ज़्यादा“, “माँ, क्या तुम वाकई चली गयी हो” and story, “अन्तर्द्वन्द्व

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